Wednesday, July 14, 2010

da starts :D

DISCLAIMER: This is not my own idea... not even close to that.... just writing a blog for no reason at all.... all the stories here are purely fictional, or may be even true for gods sake, why do you even care :P. so What the hell here it goes.

1. Thanks to praveen shekar, cos o whom i wanted to write a blog. may be the curiosity, or the interest or just the thought o getting comments saying its nice :P

2. Thanks to my pet tuffy, whom i can exploit all i wanna if i don get stories, here whatever i say will be true because no one can ask him :P

3. that's it, you think this is a mega series to go on for 12 years?? :|

1 comment:

  1. "pet tuffy, whom i can exploit all i wanna if i don get storie"

    LOLOL!!! Avana neee!!!!!
